A stylish upgrade to your kitchen
Who remembers gas-powered stovetops? Now a thing of the past, these stoves were always hard to manage due to their risky nature as well as hard to clean surface.
However, nowadays many have upgraded to a more futuristic stovetop, switching out gas-powered to a glass top. This adds an ultra-stylish appeal that easily makes your kitchen look from a dull or worn-out space to a brilliantly defined aesthetic.
But many who are eager to purchase these glass top stoves, don’t look into what it’s like to maintain them. This leads to continuous stains due to inefficient cleaning that could be extremely difficult to scrub away if you’re not using the right products. For those new homeowners, this could also cause incredible stress as they are seldom used to deep cleaning a kitchen, even less a glass top stove.
So, you may ask yourself, how to clean electric stovetop? Although it may seem difficult, various techniques range from a glass cooktop cleaner to baking soda and other home materials. With an extensive categorical list of cleaning solutions, you will need some products to help you remedy your situation including:
- Baking Soda
- Hydrogen Peroxide
- Distilled White Vinegar
- Microfiber Cloths
- Bucket
- Toothbrush
- hydrogen peroxide
- Razor Blade scraper
These products will make miracles happen when you have the toughest of stains. Don’t fret! Even the biggest spills can be cleaned with just a little effort. We’ve all been there, you may have been prepping for a big dinner party and somehow spilled some food or burnt the stovetop due to excess heat.
Some homeowners end up calling a home cleaning service, but for those that don’t have the dough, we suggest looking into our glass-top stove cleaning tips to polish up your kitchen or simply to clean up the mess that has been made.
1. Back to basics
Emphasize on simplicity
Although when many ask themselves, “How to clean glass stovetop?” They imagine that they will be scrubbing away for hours or have to get fancy stove cleaning products that are way over their budget.

The truth is, that less is more. For those new glass stove top owners, it can be easy to Put away your wallet and focus on strategy. The following a step-by-step guide to simple cleaning method for glass stovetops:
- Turn off your stove before cleaning – for those who have handled any stovetop before, you realize that the stove isn’t fully cooled down when it’s turned off. It’s important to wait until the stove is completely cooled before cleaning it, otherwise, you’ll end up with a bigger stain than you originally had.
- Don’t use excess cleaner or product – when it comes to cleaning, always start with a bit of product as any leftover residue can be a problem when you start cooking.
- Make sure to follow the product’s instructions – a common mistake that a lot of new homeowners tend to make is using a product without knowing exactly how to use it, ending up with several more mistakes than they originally intended. It’s also a good idea to use more gentle cleaners rather than harsh ones, try using organic products or products around the home.
- Try not to scrub too hard – we know how tempting it could be to scrub away the burnt area of a glass stove, however, this can lead to scratches or other aesthetic faults. For this issue, it would be best to use soft tools for example a sponge or a microfiber cloth.
2. The magic of baking soda
How to use baking soda for glass stove cleaning
In the cleaning world, many know the magic that baking soda has when it comes to leaving your home brighter and more polished. Baking soda mixed with water can dissolve even the toughest of stains or grease.

The use of baking soda will also act as a scrub without needing to use a sponge to scrape any burned areas around the glass stove. The following is an easy way to remove any grease or burned stains around your glass stove:
- Spread a good amount of baking soda all over the burnt area on the glass stove or the general vicinity.
- After that soak a towel in dish soap and hot water
- Then place the towel over the baking soda for approximately 15-20 minutes or longer for the baking soda to set in
- Once the 15-20 minutes are up, rub the baking soda into the stains on the glass stove. Use a circular motion, and remember to be gentle with the rubbing motions.
- You will then clean up any baking soda residue and use another microfiber cloth to shine the area that was cleaned
Baking soda can be used by combining many other products. A popular combination is baking soda and distilled vinegar. Another way to clean your glass stovetop is to use this combination with the following steps:
- Remember to wait for your glass stovetop to completely cool off, you wouldn’t want any vinegar or baking soda to burn into your stove.
- With a spray bottle filled with distilled vinegar, spray the entire burned area and surface of the glass stovetop
- Sprinkle baking soda onto the top of your glass stove
- Then you dip a microfiber towel into hot water
- Then like the prior guide, you will place the towel on top of the baking soda and vinegar mixture for 15-20 minutes
- You will then remove the towel and rub out the baking soda with a clean microfiber cloth
- You will continue these steps until the burned or stained areas are completely gone, then you will wash away the glass stove and pat it dry.
3. For the tougher stains
How would you be able to get rid of hard stains?
After completing the above-mentioned strategies, some stains continue to persist. Don’t sit there and continuously use up the entire bottle of distilled white vinegar or a carton of baking soda.
Other options could lead to an easier scrub where you don’t have to exert all your physical force. You also won’t have to think about replacing your glass stovetop any time soon. All you will need is the following:
- Baking Soda
- Dish Soap
- Hydrogen Peroxide
After you have acquired these three ingredients, you’re going to:
- Squeeze dish soap onto the burned area or all over the glass stovetop
- Afterward, you will sprinkle baking soda on top of the dish soap
- Drop a tablespoon or two of hydrogen peroxide onto the mixture
- After this use a dish scrubber or a hand scrubbing tool to scrub in the mixture onto the burned part or the stained area of the glass stovetop
- Once it is scrubbed off, let the solution sit for approximately three minutes before wiping them off.
Razorblade it
If you’ve just about had it with trying those baking soda mixtures without getting any results, don’t lose faith, there’s still plenty of other options. For example, this next strategy will loosen the burned areas and stains all with the use of a razor blade or scraper tool.
However, we strongly advise you to read the manufacturer’s instructions before doing so. This can save you from accidentally ruining the glass stove top if the instructions are adamantly against it. The following is how to clean glass top stove burnt-on with a razor blade or scraper tool:
- Again, make sure that the stove is completely turned off and cool before beginning to clean so that there are zero hazards.
- To loosen the burned areas of the glass stovetop, it is important to spray a bit of distilled white vinegar and let it sit for ten minutes or so.
- After letting it sit for a little while, you’re going to delicately scrape the burnt residue.
- For accurate use, we advise to wield the scraper tool as follows: point the blade at a slight angle away from the glass stovetop so that it is as flat as possible.
- It is critical to avoid using the corners of the scraping tool so that you don’t damage the glass material.
- After making sure you are holding the scrape correctly, gently start scraping the debris until it starts to come off the glass.
- Once you have done this on any burned areas, you will go ahead and wipe the debris clean with a microfiber cloth.
- If any stain persists, repeat all the steps until the residue comes off.
This strategy not only helps remove even the toughest of stains with ease, but it also helps deep clean your glass stovetop leaving it polished and brand new for continued use. While it may seem dangerous, it’s extremely efficient and easy to manage for any new homeowner.
4. Dos and Don’ts
Don’t use bleach!
Although it may initially sound like a good idea, bleach products can be extremely harmful when it comes to glass stove tops due to their delicate nature. Using bleach could mean leaving a stain or damaging the exterior of the glass stovetop.

Many homeowners use bleach in their bathrooms, kitchen, living room, and general living space to erase any stains or bacteria that accumulate in any corner of the home. However, due to the powerful abrasive nature of bleach, it can damage a gentle surface.
Do not use abrasive cleaners
It may be tempting to use a metal pad to clean your stove if you’re extremely frustrated and want to make that burned area or stain disappear. If you’re a new homeowner, it is a logical conclusion to buy a tool that you’ll be able to remove the stained surface quickly so you choose a tough abrasive cleaner.
This ends up ruining your glass stove even further, so not only will you remove the stain but can potentially damage the class and leave some cracks if it’s done too aggressively. You must be as gentle as possible even when it comes to the cleaning process for a glass stovetop.
Do use a sponge and or/ microfiber cloth to clean
When it comes to cleaning a glass stovetop, the gentler tools are perfect for diminishing the stains or burns. Using a soft brush, sponge, or microfiber cloth with whatever concoction you decide to use will be as efficient as using a more abrasive tool as long as you use it correctly.
While many are unsure of the concept of these tools, just think, would you use a tool that can potentially scratch glass or surface or safely remove the stain with the proper ingredients as well as tools? The answer is to always play it safe when it comes to glass.
Do clean the bottom of your pots and pans
When it comes to maintaining a glass top stove and continuing to practice stain prevention, it is important to get to the foundation of the problem. Often, when we forget to wash the pots and pans, there is a circular layer of gunk that remains at the very bottom of these cooking tools.
We’ve all been there, sometimes we get tired or we don’t have the time to clean the tools at the time. However, this could then lead to burnt stains on the glass stove top the very next time you cook if you continue to use the pots and pans that are dirty. That is why it’s important to clean them every time.
For example, if the pot or pan has accumulated grease on the bottom, it will leave aluminum cooking rings on the glass stovetop. Sometimes it can be removed with a glass cooktop cleaner, other times you will spend an entire day trying to scrape off the excess gunk. Choose the smarter route and clean the bottom of the cooking tools.
Importance of maintaining your stove
When you factor in all of these cleaning strategies, you will have yourself a polished glass stovetop that will wow guests and make for an innovative appliance in your kitchen. It’s important to continue maintaining your glass stovetop in order to lessen the ageing effects so you don’t have to purchase a new one any time soon.