
What Is Dry Cleaning? All You Need to Know

If there is a list of often misconstrued phrases, then dry cleaning would be on top. Although commonly used, dry cleaning appears to mean different things to different people, especially those who do not have a background in the laundry services industry.

In this article, we explain what is dry cleaning, and hopefully provide all the information you need to know about the practice.

Whether you are new to the term, an expert in laundry services, or a housewife looking to clean your clothes using this method, we hope that you find the information contained in this article as helpful.

What is Dry Cleaning?

Dry cleaning refers to a cleaning process that utilizes various solvents apart from water to clean fabrics that could otherwise be damaged by water and the rigorous activities involved in hand-washing or using the conventional washing machine, such as wool, leather, silk, and others.

The dry cleaning process helps to retain the qualities of the fabrics being washed and prevents any stretching, shrinkage, and damage to delicate decorations on the material such as buttons, sequins, and lace.

The History of Dry Cleaning

The history of dry cleaning can be traced back to the ancient Romans. According to archaeological findings, there were dry cleaning shops discovered in the ravages of Pompeii, a Roman city that was buried by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD.

The dry cleaners back then were known as “Fullers” and they made use of solvents such as lye, ammonia, which is gotten from urine, and a type of clay known as “fuller’s earth,” to remove stains on fabrics. This cleaning method was very effective, especially for materials that could be damaged by hand washing, such as wool.

The use of urine in the dry cleaning process led to the establishment of urine collection taxes. Animal urine was predominantly used by the fullers coupled with urine collected from different public toilets back then.

One popular reference to anything resembling modern dry cleaning methods was the story of a clumsy maid who knocked over a lamp and spilled kerosene on a dirty tablecloth. The chemical quickly evaporated, and it was discovered that the stains on the tablecloth were no longer there.

Jean Baptiste Jolly of France, who is referred generally as the father of modern dry cleaning, conducted several experiments by immersing some dirty fabrics in a bathtub filled with turpentine, and he noticed that they came out clean once the chemical had dried.

This led him to open the first commercial dry cleaning facility in 1825 dubbed, “Teinturerie Jolly Belin,” in Paris, and he used this same method of dry cleaning.

However, four years before Jolly’s discovery, Thomas Jennings, a U.S. tailor, clothier and inventor in New York, discovered a cleaning process which he called ” dry scouring.”

As a clothier, he was aware of customers’ constant complaints concerning their inability to remove stains from delicate fabrics that can not withstand the rigors of manual washing.

Jennings then began conducting different experiments with a variety of cleaning solutions and processes. He finally discovered the “dry scouring” method of cleaning fabrics, which proved to be a hit, making him a very successful tailor and dry cleaner in New York.

In 1821, Jennings filed a patent application for his dry cleaning method with the United States Patent Office and became the first African-American to receive a patent in the United States. Sadly, the exact process that Jennings used in dry cleaning is no longer available and can only be found on the pages of history, as his patent was destroyed in a fire outbreak in 1836.

Several other dry cleaners used solvents like gasoline, turpentine, benzene, and kerosene to clean fabrics. However, these solvents are very flammable and often left a lingering unpleasant odor on the fabrics even after the cleaning processes are completed.

The search for alternatives began. Initially, in 1821, Michael Faraday, an English Physicist, and Chemist synthesized Perc. However, it was not until the early 1830s that William Joseph Stoddard, a United States dry cleaner, further developed the chemical that it became widely used in dry cleaning.

These chlorinated solvents became very popular because they removed stains on the fabrics just as much as the petroleum-based solvents and without any risk of igniting the fabrics.

However, while Perc is considered a much safer option than most solvents used by various dry cleaners in the past, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in the United States is working to eliminate the use of the solvent in the industry, due to the various health and environmental risks it poses.

Is Dry Cleaning Safe?

People who often dry clean their clothes may experience a handful of the side effects of Perc, such as dizziness, drowsiness, loss of coordination, mild memory loss, visual perception, and blistering of the skin after prolonged contact.

Perc has also been classified as being Carcinogenic to human beings, as it causes a variety of cancer, including esophageal, cervical, bladder, multiple myeloma, and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. There are also potential links to cervical and breast cancers, and overtime, the central nervous system, liver, kidneys, and lungs may also be damaged.

Perc can also be dangerous if it is accidentally released into the environment as it’s toxic to plants and animals. Therefore, dry cleaners are encouraged to make use of solvents that are safer and more environmentally friendly.

What Are The Chemicals Used for Dry Cleaning?

In early times, a variety of solvents were used in the dry cleaning process, including turpentine, benzene, gasoline, and several other petroleum-based solvents.

However, the use of these solvents in the dry cleaning process was discontinued because of their possession of qualities that could wreck a lot of havoc, i.e., their flammable nature. This led to several research projects and experiments carried out to develop solvents that are capable of carrying out the cleaning process without being flammable.

In the early 1830s, several years of research and experiments finally paid off when synthetic solvents were discovered. These solvents have been in use since then and are still being used today.

They are Perchloroethylene or Tetrachloroethylene, a chlorinated solvent that is also known as Perc or PCE, and Decamethylcyclopentasiloxane, which is a carbon dioxide cleaning system that utilizes machines to apply the right amount of pressure required to draw liquefied carbon dioxide through dirty clothes to remove any stains. It is also known as Green Earth.

Detergents are also added to the solvents, either before the dry cleaning process or at specific times during the process, to help remove stains on the fabric. The addition of detergents to the solvent helps to bring in moisture that is required to remove water-soluble stains. It also helps, not only in penetrating the fabrics to enable the solvents to remove stains but in suspending the removed stains to prevent them from being reabsorbed.

How to Dry Clean At Home

Taking your clothes to commercial dry cleaners can be very expensive, especially if you have a lot of fabrics with the “dry clean only” instruction.

However, you have nothing to worry about, as you can dry clean your clothes in the comfort of your own home by following the necessary guidelines.

Before dry cleaning your clothes on your own, it is essential to note that certain fabrics can be best handled by a professional dry cleaner, such as suede, leather, velvet, and fur. Therefore, it will be wise to avoid dry cleaning them on your own and just take them to the dry cleaner to prevent any damage to the fabric.

There are several home dry cleaning kits or modern dry cleaning machines in the market that you can buy to enable you to dry clean your fabrics. These kits come with a manual, be sure to read the manual before proceeding. The dry cleaning kit consists of a stain remover and stain absorbing pads, a dryer activated cloth, and a reusable dryer bag.

  • The first step is to remove stains on the fabric using the stain remover that is included in the kit. A majority of these stain removers are water-based and can be used in the removal of water-soluble stains.
  • The next step is to place about 1-4 pieces of fabric inside the dry cleaning bag, together with the dryer activated cloth included in the kit. You are then expected to seal the bag and place it in the dryer for about 15-30 minutes, depending on the dry cleaning kit you use.
  • The dryer activated cloth contains a minimal amount of water, perfume, and an emulsifier. The emulsifier is responsible for dispersing both the water and the scent of the fabrics being cleaned. The heat that is generated by turning on the dryer will further increase the temperature of the solvents in the fabrics.
  • An increase in the temperature will result in a proportional increase in the kinetic energy of the fluids, causing them to move at a more rapid pace. When they have reached a very high temperature, the molecules of the liquids then change to steam.
  • As a result of being in a partially airtight plastic bag, a majority of the vapors can not escape. Therefore, they penetrate the fabrics, causing small amounts of water and perfume to condense on the fabrics, giving it a sweet fragrance. These same vapors are used in the removal of wrinkles from the fabric.
  • Once the dryer cycle is completed, you bring the fabrics out and hang them up to properly inspect the clothes for any wrinkles, which can easily be ironed to stretch it out, loose buttons, and rips, which can be reattached and repaired.

You also inspect the fabric for any remaining stains, which you can correct by either cleaning them again or taking it to a professional dry cleaner.

The home dry cleaning process is very time-consuming. Also, the possibility of finding remaining stains on a piece of fabric after the strenuous activities involved in cleaning them is quite frustrating.

As opposed to the home dry cleaning kits, commercial dry cleaners immerse your fabrics in a generous amount of solvent that completely strips off any stains, especially grease and oil stains, from the fabric. The commercial dry cleaning process also takes care of stains like sweat and body oils that the fabrics pick up every day, including lint and hair that often tend to build upon the surface of the fabrics.

However, with home dry cleaning kits, you will avoid exposure to the various solvents used in commercial dry cleaning, such as Perc, which causes several health problems. Therefore, if you are looking for a more environmentally friendly method of dry cleaning or are highly sensitive to harsh chemicals, it is best to stick to home dry cleaning kits.

Notably, these home dry cleaning kits can not overshadow the importance of commercial dry cleaners such as Soji.  They are created to serve as a complement to professional dry cleaning. The decision to make use of these kits is based on your preference and considering their pros and cons will enable you to choose to either make use of them or stick to professional dry cleaners.

The Process of Commercial Dry Cleaning

Dry cleaning machines are large and very expensive. Therefore, it is not uncommon for most dry cleaning stores to take the laundry of all their customers to a central cleaning facility to have them dry cleaned.

The commercial dry cleaning process begins with putting tags on each fabric with either paper tags that are stapled or pinned to the fabric or iron-on strips that have a permanent barcode for regular customers. This process of tagging helps to ensure that all the fabrics loaded into the dry cleaning machine are returned to their respective owners.

Next, the fabrics are given a thorough inspection for any rips, missing buttons, and items that have been left in the pockets. If any of these things are discovered, the owner is notified immediately, before the fabrics are cleaned.

After that, various pre-spotting chemicals are added to the fabrics including, protein remover for blood, perspiration and milk stains, tannin remover for tea, red wine, and coffee stains, and many more, to aid the removal of stains. Therefore, it is in your best interest to tell the dry cleaner what caused a specific stain on your fabric to derive maximum benefit.

The fabrics are then loaded into the dry cleaning machines. The machine is a motor-driven washer, extractor, and sometimes, dryer, that consists of a base tank for holding the cleaning solvent, a pump for circulating the solvent through the machine, filters that aid the removal of solid impurities found either in the solvent or on the fabrics and a cylinder or wheel that holds the fabrics being cleaned.

The dry cleaning machine is started once the fabrics are loaded into it. The pump collects solvent that will be sufficient for the cleaning process from the base tank and transports it to the filter where impurities are removed. The filtered solvent now moves to the cylinder. It not only immerses the fabrics but also gently pounds them against the cylinder to remove stains.

The next circle, which is the extraction circle, rapidly spins the fabrics to remove excess solvent on it, and the solvent travels back to the base tank to repeat the process.

Once the extraction process is completed, the cylinder stops moving, and the fabrics are either dried in the same machine or transferred to a separate drier, depending on whether the machine has an in-built drier or not.

Next, the fabrics are treated with steam or vacuum to remove any remaining stain. It is then pressed to remove wrinkles that resulted from the spinning process, and buttons are reattached along with some other minor repairs.

The fabrics are folded and kept in plastic bags to prevent any stains after they have been cleaned. However, it is vital to note that a prolonged stay in the plastic bags can damage the fabrics due to moisture trapped in the plastic bags. So, remember to take out the fabrics immediately you get home.

The entire process generates a great deal of heat, which can be quite damaging to some fabrics. Therefore, the Green dry cleaning process is often preferred as there is no heat involved.

How To Get The Best Results From Your Dry Cleaner

There are certain things you need to do to ensure that your fabrics receive the best treatment from your dry cleaner.

  • Read Labels

You cannot overemphasize the importance of labels. These labels are provided to give you guidelines on how to properly take care of the fabric. Sadly, though, very few people pay attention to these labels, some even tear them out entirely. Paying attention to labels will enable you to note any special care instruction for the fabric and duly inform your dry cleaner.

  • Do Not Remove Stains On Your Own

We are tempted often to remove stains we notice on our fabrics by ourselves, probably by rubbing them or attempting to wash them out casually.

However, in most cases, we do the opposite of what we have intended to do, pushing the stain, dye, coffee, oil or grease, deeper into the fabric, thus, making the dry cleaning process more difficult. It is advisable that you take stained clothes immediately to the dry cleaner and avoid the urge to wipe out the stains on your own.

  • Point Out Specific Stains To The Dry Cleaner

Once you drop off your fabrics at a dry cleaning store, be sure to point out stains on the fabric and, if possible, what caused those stains. This will enable the dry cleaner to know the exact pre-treatment to give your fabrics during the cleaning process.

  • Don’t Forget To Point Out Special Designs On The Fabric.

Some fabrics come with unique designs and embellishments, including buttons, sequins,  aimed at further increasing the beauty of the fabric.

However, these designs are very delicate and require special care when they are cleaned. It is imperative to make the dry cleaner aware of them and ask if they can be given special attention or be removed entirely during the cleaning process.

  • Do Not Make Assumptions

A lot of fabrics have been ruined because the owners assumed that the dry cleaner knows it all. However, the error in this thinking is that the dry cleaner handles fabrics that have been brought by countless other people, and something might go wrong during the cleaning process.

Therefore, you need to talk to your dry cleaner and point out stains, embellishments, and other special care requirements for your fabric beforehand, to ensure that your fabrics are given the best treatment possible.

The Future of Dry Cleaning

Dry cleaning ensures that clothes last longer, and giving your clothes to a professional dry cleaner will enable you to get the best results. The dry cleaning business is a lucrative industry, and there are many people in the business.

According to a recent survey report by the Center for Diseases Control and Prevention (CDC), the United States alone has about 36,000 dry cleaners. There are also thousands of commercial dry cleaners all over the world today. However, this number is fast diminishing due to several reasons.

For one thing, casual clothing is fast becoming a norm among people in the world today. These clothes can be washed either by hand or using the conventional washing machine, thus, eliminating any need for a dry cleaner or dry cleaning machine.

Advancements in science and technology have also made it possible for more durable fabrics to be developed. These fabrics are created in a manner that they can withstand several unfavorable conditions without any damage. Although being expensive, the benefits of buying durable fabrics far outweigh the cost.

Additionally, the vast majority of dry cleaning facilities are family-owned businesses. Once the older generation that has been managing the business retires, the younger generation will no longer be interested in taking over the family business, preferring to search for other white-collar or internet-based jobs.

The health and environmental hazards caused by the solvents used in the dry cleaning process is also another reason why the number of players in the dry cleaning industry is reducing drastically. Carbon dioxide and water-based cleaning solutions are used now as alternatives to Perc in the cleaning of fabrics.

Lastly, the emergence of mobile phone apps like that offered by Soji Cleaners will become more popular with customers, since these persons can now set their dry cleaning preferences and get the job done without lifting a finger.

Final Words

In this article, we have answered questions such as:

What is dry cleaning?

How does dry cleaning work?

We also explained how you can do dry cleaning at home and how the commercial dry cleaning process works.

Lastly, we considered what the imminent future looks like for the dry cleaning industry, and hope that the detailed information we’ve provided herein will serve anyone who is currently looking for a guide into dry cleaning.


15 Benefits of Modern Professional Laundry Services in the United States

There is no denying how busy our lives have become!

Working round the clock to pay the bills and loans or monitoring viable investment opportunities in the financial market means that there is little to no time left for doing menial stuff like cleaning and laundry.

Even though the advent of laundry washing machines and other cleaning equipment reduced the task that homeowners and organizations have to do, it didn’t solve the problem completely.

But thanks to the evolution of technology and the professional laundry services sector in the United States, people now have an extra hand at their beck and call to meet their cleaning and laundry demand.

Just before we get down to listing the benefits of professional laundry services, let’s get the definition straight.

What is Laundry Service?

A laundry service is an individual or company that washes and irons clothes for clients. Laundry service is understandably as old as man has learned to outsource his tasks with almost all hotels and resorts, mainly featuring such service.

Depending on the number of clothes, if you hand them in one day, you should get them back within 24 hours or a maximum of two days. The professional laundry service will wash, dry, and iron the clothes.

The Evolution of Laundry Service

In recent times, laundry service in the United States has evolved into an online model where clients can contact their laundry service company, have their clothes picked up from their preferred location, and delivered to them at their convenience.

This new model is becoming increasingly popular and is poised to see more adoption as the mobile app development industry continues to grow. New features will likely be rolled out to incentivize users and facilitate the switch to modern laundry service offered via mobile apps.

Why People Hire Professional Laundry Services

If you still find time to do your laundry, you may wonder why anyone or any organization would decide to outsource their cleaning and laundry.

Well, here are some of the best reasons why people hire laundry services in the US.

  • Busy With Other Tasks

As we noted at the onset, our lives have become so busy. Therefore, instead of suffering from stress or burnout by trying to handle all that task, some individuals and organizations explore the benefits of laundry services to get the needed relief.

One can also decide to outsource other cleaning tasks such as lawn care, or house and window cleaning, with the ultimate goal of freeing up time for other activities.

  • Lack of Experience

Growing up, many didn’t get the chance to learn how to do laundry themselves either because someone else always did it, or no one taught them how to do it. So, for no fault of theirs, hiring professional laundry services is a suitable way to get the job done immediately.

For organizations, the difficulty involved in recruiting an in-house team of garment care experts compels them to outsource their laundry demands.

  • Optimizing Business Performance

Organizations primarily choose to outsource their laundry to save costs such as water, fuel, electricity, and labor. Another benefit is that space could be freed up on-site for other profit-driven activities.

There is also the promise of enhancing the quality of laundry as a professional laundry service company has more expertise than an in-house team working on such a project.

  • Not Interested in Doing Laundry

Some people would rather spend their time off from work to relax or even work on their side hustle.

They are not interested in doing laundry and enjoy outsourcing it more than they do when they engage in it. Besides, who loves doing laundry when they can play games, hang out with friends, or catch up on lost sleep?

Having discussed why people hire laundry services, it is worth noting that rapid development in technology and the professional laundry services sector is another vital reason why it has become the preferred way for most people to do laundry.

Let’s Discuss Some of These Improvements

1. Serving a Wider Client Base

In the past, laundry services basically catered to the needs of individuals and a few organizations. At the moment, however, nearly anyone who wants to hire professional laundry services in the United States can do this without moving an inch.

At Soji , for instance, our clients do not only include on-demand consumers. We also serve students, hospitals, hotels, clinics, salons, rental services, country club, Airbnb, garages, gyms, and similar facilities that need help with their cleaning.

These distinct groups arguably need different plans, and we’ve mapped out the best for them to enjoy using our service.

Interestingly, the use of Android and iOS apps to connect with clients means that the service may as well be rolled out to any country or jurisdiction where there is a significant need for it.

2. Real-time Communication

What happens if after handing your clothes to the laundryman, you realize it was the wrong clothes or you mixed up instructions on washing that you provided earlier?

The advent of LiveChat on mobile apps means you can make these adjustments in real-time. Such communication wasn’t possible in the past and likely deterred some from using professional laundry services.

It also opens up the opportunity for laundry service companies like Soji to transmit information to customers promptly, advertise irresistible offers, and maintain a close relationship with our esteemed clients.

Such increased transparency, no doubt, benefits everyone involved in the circle.

3. Solving the Last Mile Problem

In tandem with real-time communication, improvements in the industry ensure that users now incur little to no stress when they use laundry services.

A delivery person assigned by the laundry company is equipped with an app to indicate successful pickups and delivery. At the same time, the client can complete all transactions from their device without even knowing who is going to do their laundry!

This frictionless service is among the reasons why professional laundry services in the United States has thrived massively.

Let’s now consider the benefits that clients enjoy when they hire an efficient laundry service.

15 Benefits of Modern Professional Laundry Services in the US

1. Affordability

Although the charges for a laundry service usually depends on the number of clothes to be washed and ironed, the typical costs are traditionally way below what an individual or organization would expend to get the job done themselves.

For instance, washing materials for home or office laundry includes detergent, bleach, color-safe bleach, fabric softeners, dryer sheets, which could take anywhere between $20 to $100.

On the other, it could cost anywhere between $25-$35 to get one full-sized bag of laundry done while, in some cases, pricing starts at $1.50. Yes. A large pile of dirty laundry can be transformed into ready-to-wear clothes for way less than it would cost to pay for electricity or internet usage.

Since the said cost includes free-pickup, cloth folding, and delivery, it arguably represents a better deal for clients of laundry service companies.

2. Time-Saving

Think about the washing materials mentioned earlier and the fact that it could take some time to rush to the store down the street to get them, and perhaps more than an hour to get the laundry done.

For persons with hectic lives and jobs, such time would be better spent on meeting deadlines and getting the needed rest after several long hours and days at work, not on doing laundry that can be done somewhere else.

When you use Soji, it takes less than 20 minutes for our delivery partners to pick up your clothes. The entire process of washing, ironing, and folding is done quickly and efficiently, with the garments returned to you at least within 24 hours to 48 hours max.

Our efficient service frees up time that clients can spend on doing the things that matter most to them.

3. Cost-Saving

Aside from costs incurred regularly on purchasing washing materials each time you need to do laundry, the cost of purchasing equipment can is another reason why a professional laundry service is beneficial.

A high-quality washer and dryer costs between $400-$5000, with extra costs likely to be incurred down the line of maintenance and savings for the purchase of a new one in case of breakdown.

Students and other middle-income persons may not be able to finance this without a loan. Also, even if they managed to get a fairly used equipment, they may struggle to cope with maintenance costs.

For instance, adding other costs of running the machine, such as electricity, likely shows that using a professional laundry service company like Soji may be a smarter financial decision.

For one thing, the fees are paid when you need to get laundry done. For students, this is an excellent opportunity to save costs between periods of frequent washing and times when they perhaps do not need the equipment.

With tens of high-quality machines at our disposal, professional laundry service companies bear the real costs of providing you with the best services that your clothes would thank you for. You only have to pay for charges which are comparable to your corner store laundry and dry-cleaning.

4. Flexible Plans

In line with the promise of saving costs for customers, another benefit of modern laundry service is that users can purchase flexible plans that suit their laundry demand and their income bracket.

In the case of Soji, we offer a chance for students who use our Android or iOS laundry app in the United States to choose from Quarterly or Yearly Subscription Plans, depending on their budget and laundry demands.

Other classes of clients, such as individuals, hospitals, garages, etc., can choose from the on-demand laundry packages. Feedback gathered over time, showing that the plan’s flexibility is ideal for most of our regular customers.

The possibility of new plans being added in the long run also means that better deals could be integrated in the future to meet user demands.

5. Professional Results

As we noted earlier, one of the reasons why people choose to outsource their laundry tasks is because they lack the knowledge of how to get it done correctly.

Additionally, even those who end up doing it by themselves cannot boast of having the best results. For instance, their garments may get damaged during the dry cleaning process or lose quality quickly, resulting in a shorter lifespan.

That is why professional laundry services step in. At Soji, we have a team of professional laundry care experts ready to give their best to satisfy our clients.

The team employs the best industry techniques and a wash process that considers the fabric constituent of each cloth that arrives in our laundry room.

The objective is to ensure that all clothes are gently cleaned, sturdy and simple stains are removed, and the clothes are returned to clients in the best possible condition.

Even though individuals and organizations understand the importance of laundry and often strive for similar results, you will agree that it is near impossible to achieve the same results as people who spend their whole time on the job!

6. Location-Independent Service

In the past, the quality of laundry service that a person can enjoy is usually confined to their location because of several variables such as distance and time.

However, with the emergence of mobile app technology, the last mile problem was solved, and anyone anywhere can get the best hands to work on their laundry.

Using their mobile phone GPS functionalities powered by the Soji Cleaners App, clients can order for pickup of their laundry from their doorstep irrespective of their location anywhere in the United States.

Also, after the laundry has been completed, the delivery person could bring the laundry to any location chosen by the client, or another pickup location such as their work route. Such an approach solves the problem of an individual not being able to do laundry because of their location, or other situations beyond their immediate control.

7. Order History and Tracking

Most people who are familiar with using the conventional laundry service understand how difficult it can be to keep an accurate record of previous orders as providers frequently issue invoices.

There is also the inherent risk of not receiving updates between pickup and delivery.

But, the Soji iOS and Android app provide a super-convenient way to do this without having to stack invoice papers or disturb your brain the next time you want to record the amount you spent on laundry for a specific period.

You can export this information anytime there is a need for it, and also have the power to figuratively watch your clothes as it goes through the entire laundry process.

Our efficient tracking system with in-house laundry care experts further means that there is no chance that some clothes end up missing or mix up with other clients’ garments at any stage of laundry.

8. Real-time Customer Support

This is another benefit of professional laundry services via mobile apps. In the past, open communication with the laundry service company was marred with frictions such as high cost and unavailability of a dedicated customer support channel.

Today, however, a team of customer support representatives is always there to respond to user inquiries either via email or live chat.

Such a communication channel makes it easier for users to send additional instructions or make the necessary adjustments to the information they provided earlier during the pickup of the dirty laundry.

There is also the opportunity to urgently express dissatisfaction regarding the conduct of delivery persons, information that can be helpful for the company to make impactful business decisions.

9. Secure Online Payments

With modern professional laundry services like Soji, users can complete transactions safely either via the mobile app or on our website. The benefits? Transactions can be automated, settle more speedily, and face little to no risk of theft.

While we understand that online payments are susceptible to hackers trying to steal users’ credit card information or hijacking transactions, the app was built in line with the best industry standards on securing card payments.

Integration of the multiple and leading low-fees payment gateways gives users a variety of choices. Additionally, cybersecurity trained professional on the team provides a guarantee that customer payment details are secure at all times.

10. Reviews and Customer Feedback

Unlike in the past, when laundry service providers can easily manipulate client ratings and reviews, new professional laundry services differ slightly.

For instance, customers can decide which professional laundry service to trust with their laundry based on feedback from other real users on third-party platforms such as Google and Apple Store, where the apps are listed.

In-app, too, users are prompted following the completion of an order, to rate the service they received, leave comments on how satisfied they are, and what could be improved the platform.

There is a significant chance that relying on this information allows users to choose the best professional laundry service, not only based on their budget or preferences but also on user feedback.

11. Multiple Platforms

With iOS and Android now dominating the battle of operating systems, Soji took the initiative to launch apps to serve users on both platforms, with little to no difference in the integrated functionalities.

Regular feature updates will also be released based on customer feedback to cater more efficiently to the needs of customers who need professional laundry services in the United States.

Such anticipated swift adjustment to user demand is another benefit of using a modern laundry service.

12. Intuitive Rewards

While the modern laundry service company is profit-oriented, systems are put in place to reward both new and existing customers irrespective of their category, for example, on-demand students, consumers, Hospitals, Hotels, Clinics, Salons, etc.

Soji offers coupons and discount code rewards, which users can easily claim on the app after completing their first order or reaching the stipulated number of orders. These incentives make our services more useful to customers.

13. Cancellation and Rescheduling

What do you do when there’s an emergency, and you can no longer be available to receive your cleaned laundry?

With our integrated order cancellation feature, customers can easily cancel their orders.  The delivery person will also get notified and depending on their location receive an update if the customer reschedules

Even though we encourage users to avoid misusing this feature, the attached flexibility comes at no extra cost is no doubt beneficial to the majority of our clients who live very busy lives and thus are always on the move.

14. Convenience

Among all the benefits of using a laundry service that we’ve highlighted so far, one thing stands out: convenience.

When you use a professional laundry service, there is a guarantee of convenience, beginning with choosing your wash preferences, placing an order on your mobile phone, tracking clothes as they are moved from your doorstep to laundry, and leaving a transparent review when they’re delivered.

All these processes could be completed within less than 24 hours, depending on the number of clothes, and the defined washing processes.

Soji further augments user convenience by always seeking out new ways to make the entire process frictionless. We understand that as long as users continue to enjoy frictionlessly service, then we are offering the best value.

15. Empowering Local Businesses

When you use a professional laundry service in the United States, you are indirectly empowering local businesses and creating more employment opportunities for the global society.

Starting from delivery partners to garment care experts and then the app development team, everyone, including the customer, makes a vital impact when they choose to use a reliable local laundry service company.


The need for professional laundry service dates back to as early as Man began to outsource his tasks. However, the advent of mobile technology and newer processes means that significant improvements have taken place through the years to bring more incentives to users.

Eventually, one can expect that these benefits will increase the pool of individuals and organizations using professional laundry services in the United States and other places around the world.

Will using a laundry service eventually become a more widely adopted tradition? Only time would tell.